Monday, May 14, 2012

Poop Inspector.....

Breaking news!!!!! This is here she is again live from Narnia! The poop king has arrived in the form of my son and its quite disturbing,he has some sort of obsession with it. Baby talking his or his girlfriends is not uncommon. He studies it like it is a work of art and leaves it for others to see like some kind of trophy. Retina burn please!!!!!!!!!! I am almost positive he was switched at birth. He is home this week, probably for some sort of poop convention. One can only hope he will leave his crap there.......

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Quacks Tale.......

 So someone told me that swans hiss and the first thing is what were they doing to the swan at the time???? Furthermore did anyone catch the spit opposed to what? Swallowing? Another disturbing little tidbit is that they went on to say that the Romans had sex with geese and then of course broke their necks at the end which is in itself is quite appalling and i am pretty sure i will not be dating them. At this point i am almost convinced there is just no turning back and it gets more and more disturbing with each second.  I believe we should alert the ASPCA of this duck defiler! lock up your rubber duckys and for goodness sake lets spread the word in the duck community of this atrocity!   DISCLAIMER: NO DUCKS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS POST, ANY NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT THE DUCKS PRIVACY AND THIS PART OF THE SCREEN RIGHT HERE IS MINE, I LICKED IT!