So anyway i got something for u this time that is so good , it has got to be fattening....i recently watched a unique experience that i can honestly say restores my faith in the human stupid gene. It has apparently evolved and spread like wildfire. It went down like this, a girl tells her boyfriend she is pregnant who in turn decides to tell his parents....things went from bad to worse because apparently his drama queen mother played the "oh I'm gonna faint card" pretty convincingly. After an hour of "your a disgrace" and your life is ruined...the sister came up with another bright idea....not counting the fact that they all say the baby is imaginary and the girl cannot possibly be pregnant because apparently on their planet...33 is the age limit for child bearing. The topper was the sisters bright idea to tell the mother that "its ok mom, he can go check it out and take dad with him"...when did pregnancy become a spectator sport and on what planet do u suggest "checking it out" that involves the whole family.....i would say their not complete idiots , some parts are missing....the brain apparently .....