Whats Normal To Some Is Not Normal To Everyone, All The Funny In Life. From The Creepy To The Coherent.....The Semi Lucid Rantings Of A professional Smart ass
Why do people always remember where they were when someone famous was killed or even just died of natural causes? Is there like a worldwide memo sent out saying they better know where they were, it must skip my house. Do they feel perhaps they'll need an alibi? I am certainly not a certified physician, and fame is like a drug i know but i say if u feel like you need to know where you were at that exact moment....its time to up the medication.........
Simple: the brain records everything, but it places extra emphasis on unusual events. Since assassinations and disasters are rare compared to boring days, they stick out more. Memory is contextual, so people also tend to remember where they were and what they were doing when they found out about it.
Simple: the brain records everything, but it places extra emphasis on unusual events. Since assassinations and disasters are rare compared to boring days, they stick out more. Memory is contextual, so people also tend to remember where they were and what they were doing when they found out about it.